Manonga- Wembere Irrigation Basin

Project Name

Consulting Services for Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design for Manonga- Wembere Irrigation Basin. Financed by GoT

Technical Details


National Irrigation Commission (NIRC)


May 2023 – To date: Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design


  • The scope includes over 39,000 hectors (ha) found in 21 Irrigation schemes within 96 beneficiary villages within Nzega DC, Nzega TC, Igunga DC and Uyui DC in Tabora Region (total of 31,346ha) and within Iramba DC in Singida Region (total of 5821ha) and Shinyanga DC 1,833ha
  • To carry out all the tasks necessary to achieve the defined objectives which shall include:

a) Carry out topographical survey for the Dam site and Irrigation schemes potential area;

b) Carry out Geotechnical Investigation and seismology test and simulation specifically in dam’s parameters used in design;

c) Conduct Water Resource and Hydrological study;

d) Conduct soil survey;

e) Conduct Agronomic study;

f) Conduct Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA);

g) Conduct Detail Engineering Design of Dam, Irrigation Infrastructure, farm structures, farm Roads and Drainage systems as well as flood protection Dyke if any; and

h) Carry out financial and economic analysis.


Tabora, Singida & Shinyanga in Tanzania


Roya Associates Africa (Kenya) Limited

WhatsApp Image 2023-11-30 at 4.15.52 PM
WhatsApp Image 2023-11-30 at 4.15.52 PM (1)
WhatsApp Image 2023-11-30 at 4.00.06 PM
WhatsApp Image 2023-11-30 at 4.00.05 PM